Last year’s edition of the festival was held on May 31, 2023. This year’s event will be held on June 14, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the City of the Other Economy, Rome.
Dates and deadlines
Dates and deadlines for submission of work and participation in the festival.
Rules & FAQ
Rules and registration information.
Presentazione del festival con: Igor Wolfango Schiaroli, Direttore Festival Fiorenza Scandurra, LUC – Greta Pierotti, Madrina – Michele Princigalli, WREP
Interventi di:Antonella Melito (Roma Capitale)Ranieri de Cinque Quintili (Anica)
Gastone Saletnich (Cinema e Cibo) | Sveva Manfredi Zavaglia (Curatrice arte)
Pietro Giacone (We Are Creators) | Luigi Plos (Location tra i luoghi segreti )
Carlo Infante (Urban Experience)
Mirko Alivernini (Motherboard production – Roma Film Academy)
“Foot Footage” Masterclass in walkabout, conversazione radionomade su territorio
e memoria audiovisiva a cura di Carlo Infante, Urban Experience
Proiezioni / Screening:
Angels without wings di Diletta di Dicolantonio (11:49 min)Flowers thief di Sabrina la Macchia (20:00 min)
The doll who went to the moon di Riccardo Merendino (17:17 min)Darcy the ice world, di Iroki Maeda (30 sec. Commercial) This Crowded Room di Rafael Burgos Nieves (13:11 min)
The door di Alessandro Cubiccotti (12:20 min)
Wong Fei Running in No Time di Nicholas Gao (21:20 min)
Bravo di Yazan Al Assadi (30 sec. Commercial)
Mirko Alivernini Masterclass „Cinema 2.0”
Ranieri de Cinque, Masterclass – Behind the set, le imprese tecniche del settore
Igor Geat, Roberto Ciccarelli e Fiorenza Scandurra pres. festival „Pace in Corto”
18:30 APERITIVO Free Beer & Wine
Masterclass „Pace in Corto” di Giulio CasiniProiezione Cortometraggio E-KI di Sara Ciciliano (fuori concorso) e Angeli senza Ali
Agli autori presenti sarà consegnato l’attestato premio e riceveranno un token NFT
The Buffalo Roots Film Festival is accepting submissions on FilmFreeway, The world’s #1 platform for entering film festivals and creative contests.

We believe that cinema is a powerful medium that can spark conversations, inspire change, and unite people. By providing a platform for independent filmmakers, fostering interactions between industry professionals, presenting locally based projects and highlighting complex stories, we wish to create a space conducive to dialogue and interactions through film.
Buffalo Roots Film Festival benefits from the expertise of established professionals and the support of Eu Creator & web Reporter Registry WREP.EU. With their assistance and guidance, the festival has developed into a venue capable of hosting independent, emerging and non-independent filmmakers.
We work to create an inclusive and welcoming community that brings people together to share unique perspectives.
Buffalo Roots is an itinerant festival. The next edition will take place in Rome, while subsequent editions will take you to new, intriguing locations in the surrounding regions.
Participants can submit their works through FilmFreeway. An initial selection of films is presented to the jurors.
Winners in each category will be chosen by a joint jury committee upon completion of the entries selection.
This Film Festival have the patronage of:
1. Provide a platform for emerging international film productions to be screened and showcased.
2. Foster connections and collaborations between independent filmmakers and industry professionals.
3. Highlight and share local film projects with an international audience and vice versa. We believe in cinema’s power to transcend borders and bring people together through shared experiences and perspectives.
4. Focus on selecting independent films that cover various genres, including narrative, animation, music clips, and documentaries. We are particularly interested in films where script writing, directing, producing, and editing are done independently, showcasing a diverse range of artistic visions and perspectives.
5. Shedding light on difficult topics that are worth covering.
6. Move away from commercial filmmaking, which, despite being impressive, is often inaccessible.
7. Encourage and participate in audiovisual art workshops and initiatives.
8. Explore the concept of self-discovery and self-fulfilment through relationships, utilizing a time constraint to explore the concepts.